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Monday, June 15, 2015

The BEST from LMS : A quick analysis into AHQ e-sports club of their strength and weaknesses by statistics

Scouting Reports

AHQ現在的隊員(從上>輔助): Ziv, 山哥, 西門, 小安, 小夜夜
Current roster of AHQ (From top>sup): Ziv, Mountain, Westdoor, An, Albis 
AHQ幕後人員: 貝克(教練), 綠茶(分析)
Current supporting staff of AHQ : Blackstairs(Coach), Greentea(Analysts)

自從AHQ在LMS春季賽以第4名的身份一直贏到冠軍並在MSI有出色的表現後AHQ就長期穩座LMS的第一位, 到目前為止在LMS夏季賽中的戰績為6勝0敗(局數12-0)的完美戰績, 要進入季後賽應該也沒有什麼難度. 可見AHQ的成員每一個也是LMS地區中裡的最top人選, 特別Ziv跟西門更被外界認同是世界級的選手. 而隨著時間的過去, AHQ更有望成為世界賽的競爭隊伍之一, 今次就由我去分析一下這支LMS最強隊伍的強與弱.

AHQ show a massive improvement since they won the LMS Spring title by entering the playoffs with no.4 seeds and after a great showing at MSI, AHQ are now the best in LMS with a 6-0 bo record (12-0) perfect record. It seems like they are likely going to attend the playoffs and fight for a chance to qualify for worlds. Besides that, every team member in AHQ can arguably to be the best in each of their respective role in their region. Especially Ziv and Westdoor who both can consider to be in the world class tier. Thus, im going to take a in depth look at this best LMS team AHQ e-sports club. 

我認為AHQ在MSI的表現是lol界中的新突破, 當中有很好幾個原因, 例如是向世界證明LMS還是個能跟其他區比較的的隊伍等等, 不過最主要的是, 他們在戰術方面有重大的突破. 那就是他們只會用一種套路去比賽. (當中的細節我在這篇中就不會分析了, 有興趣的人可以爬文找一下) 而令到他們成功的人, 一定是他們的貝克教練. 而這項新的突破, 作為最好的參考例子就是SKT(現在的SKT都是以中期打法為主)

I think that AHQ as a team being a new era to the LOL scene after their great performance in MSI, there a few reasons in it but the most important one I would like to talk about is they are only using 1 strategy to win games. And the one who helped the succeed of the team is Blackstairs, the coach of AHQ. For a reference of why i would say this is a new era into the LOL scene, you can just look at SKT which in the LCK now, they are mostly using 1 strategy to win games.

這裡是AHQ在LMS Summer比賽的vods:
Here are all AHQ vods played in LMS Summer:

Statistics 數據

I used the 12 games that AHQ had played in LMS Summer to make a statistics spreadsheets.

*對戰名稱為紅色的話是指AHQ是紅方. If the name of the match up is red in colour which means AHQ are played on red side.

* % => 佔全隊的xx%; % => the value over the whole team( xx/whole team)

* Kill participation =>團戰參與率

* 對方 => opponents 

* (+/-) => 相差, (+/-)=> difference 

* 插眼 => Total Wards Placed

* 清眼 => Wards Destroyed

* 紅眼 => Vision Wards Purchased

* 造成傷害 => Total Damage to Champions

* 承受傷害 => Damage Taken

因為最後的平均數據表中出現了很多小數位, 因次有些數據可能有1-2位數值的差距, 請見諒
Due to the fact that there were many decimal values in the last average data, there will be a 1-2 number values difference, I should apologize here. 

(按進去然後zoom) (press into the photo can zoom in)

* 因在上圖中我沒有例出插眼的%, 在這裡我會例出每個人的平均插眼%
*  I forgot to make a Wards Placed % thus I will list out the average % in here for each member
Top: 21.51%
Jg: 24.73%
Mid: 6.45%
Ad: 6.45%
Sup: 40.86%

Westdoor -- The Soul 

西門論操作, 他不會輸於世上任何一位頂尖選手, 但他最大的問題就是角色池一向偏小, 以前他基本上只能用Fizz Tf Zed等角色, 現在也慢慢加多到能用球女 Ahri等等角色. 從上述數據中我們可以發現到一些問題. 

首先就是他的團戰參與率, 他的團戰參與率在12場比賽中只有2場是高過70%, 而12場的平均也只有64%的數值只能說是平均的標準, 不過得出這樣的數值好大原因是AHQ的風格, 讓西門一個做單點分推. 但說到單點分推, 就一定要說到視野方面, 從上述數據可以發現, 西門平均的插眼數量只有6, 離他對手的平均數量為12有-6之差, 這是個十分大的差距.(*我這裡沒有計算到每分鐘平均插眼) 另外就是西門在10分鐘到20分鐘時的cs數偏向會比對手低, 平均領先的數量分別在10分&20分時是2隻&8隻, 相比起其他隊員來說是偏低, 在30分鐘時的平均吃兵數更是跟對手一樣. 作為一支在LMS中全勝的隊伍來說的話這些數據有點奇怪, 當然, 考慮到AHQ的經常會戰風格後就會覺得還是合理, 不過我還是認為西門除了在增加角色池外如果能在差眼跟吃兵這兩方面再有所進步的話就會變得更想一層樓.

當然西門還有其他令人很敬佩的數據, 他的擊殺數目是冠絕全LMS, 跟小安同樣為69殺, 平均KDA也有10, GPM(金錢/每分鐘)也是緊次於小安為LMS第2 (數值為427, 小安是430). 不過最令人敬佩的一點是%上面的比例, 請大家看一看我在上面自己收集的平均數據那裡. 西門平均的輸出是佔全隊27%, 但實制上他在12場比賽中只有三場的佔全隊輸出是低過25%(有一次還是24.96%...), 證明他的穩定性, 這鐘能力是一個實力的證明, 同時也說明了為什麼他會是AHQ裡的靈魂一樣.

When we talk about Westdoor, the first thought on him is his mechanics. He was once ranked number 1 in both NA and TW server while 2 in the KR server which made him really impressive and show his potential to the world. His mechanics wont be under any world class mid-laner even Faker had showed respect to him. The main problem that Westdoor had was his champion pool, he can only play Fizz Tf Zed to a world class level while other champions only on a decent level. Besides from that, from my data above we can find few more problems. 

His kill participation is really low with an average of  64% in his 12 games, while this can be explained by the style of AHQ split pushing, another problem that followed by split pushing appeared. Westdoor Wards Placed is -6.1 difference in average to his opponents, he only placed an average of 6 wards per game which is not the case that a split pusher should put in a game. ( Im sorry that I didnt made a Wards Placed per minute). Another thing that i want to point out is the cs difference @10min and @20min . Westdoor cs is only 2 & 8 creeps more than the opponents than his opponents while his cs difference is equal to his opponents. Which should not be the data result in a dominate team and one of the best player in the league should get. But this can also explained by the style of AHQ which loves to fight. Just in a short conclusion, I think Westdoor can work on his Wards Placing and cs-ing with expanding his champion pool together. 

Of course, Westdoor had many other outstanding statistics, such as he got the highest numbers of kills in LMS with his teammate An with 69 kills, an average of 10 KDA per game and second highest GPM in LMS with 427 (the 1st is An with 430). But the most impressing data is his damage did on enemy champion has an average of 27% of the whole AHQ team, although just look at the number 27% is not that impressive, but when we take a deep like on his games, out of his 12 games played in LMS summer, only 3 games were less than 25% (while 1 time was 24.96%). Which shows how steady he was, and show why he is the soul of AHQ.

Play by play link (will be done in this week)

Mountain -- The turning point?

在春季賽時, AHQ的打野是小夜夜, 而成績一直也沒有太好, 在季後賽換入山哥後立刻成功了贏取LMS冠軍並在MSI中有很好的表現. 那麼這真的是他的功勞嗎? 他的實力真的這麼強能夠carry整隊嗎? 而我給你的答案是--對,山哥一人改變了整隊AHQ的能力. 不過很可惜, 這些都不能在數據上反映出來.

從數據上我們只能看到突出的地方就是他的團戰參與率是全隊最高, 平均有72%, 而且在12場比賽中有7場的參與率高過75%, 更在對上Machi的Game 2 時有95%的團戰參與率, 這數據甚為驚人. 而他的GPM在LMS的打野位置中也是最高的, 每分鐘有365, 更以50的差距遠遠拋離後面的幾位打野選手. 平均KDA也有高達13, 排在LMS第一位. 最重要的是, 他的平均承受傷害佔全隊的33%, 是一名真真正正的肉坦. 再想一想, 他身為一名肉坦卻在12場中只死了14次(平均每局死1.2次), 說明了他對於在戰鬥時的進場退場意識很好, 相比起其他隊伍的打野都死多過了30次以上, 相信山哥已經證明了他跟其他人的差距.

但是山哥最強的地方, 都不是這些, 他對於地圖意識十分高, 他知道什麼時候要做什麼, 而且反應很快, 我認為這點才是他的最大特點而帶領AHQ在前期能經常勝出團戰. (想知道更多可以看Mountain的play by play)

雖然有眾多的數據數值顯示出山哥的高能力水平, 不過他還是有些缺點. 他跟西門一樣, 在插眼跟cs方面也比較弱. 先說插眼方面的. 從我弄的上圖數據表中可以得知山哥的每局平均插眼比對手小了接近4隻, 當然這可能會因英雄選擇的方面或者出裝方面而影響, 不過現在還是以我能有的數據下去做分析. 而他插紅眼的數量也值得討論, AHQ作為一支愛打架隊伍對於視野的控制特別講究, 但他平均每場只買2隻紅眼, 在12場比賽中4場比賽買多過4或以上數量的紅眼, 相比起韓國的打野選手來得低, 這點也是可改善的地方. 另外就是cs數量方面也是偏低, 在30分鐘時更會平均輸給對手14隻兵, 我可以理解為AHQ的愛打架風格及野怪都讓給小安跟西門而受影響, 不過這點還是值得拿出來討論.

Before Mountain become the staring line up of AHQ, Albis is the jungler of AHQ, however the record of Albis jungle is not that great. While Mountain become the starting jungler of AHQ, he showed a great improvement for the team and lead to a great succeed in LMS Spring Fianls and at MSI.  So did Mountain really carried the team?  Lets look at the spreadsheets data above and find out. 

From the statistics above, what we learn from Mountain is he has the highest kill participation in AHQ with 72% while 7 out of his 12 games his kill participation is higher than 75% and in one of the Game which face off Machi (Game 2) he got a 95% kill participation which is really impressive. Besides that, His GPM is the highest with 365 across the junlger in LMS by a difference of 50 comparing to the second highest jungler in LMS. His average KDA is 13 which is the HIGHEST across all players in LMS which is very very impressive. Another important point that I can point out from my spreadsheets is his damage taken, Mountain has an average of 33% damage taken across his whole team, Meanwhile his total deaths in 12 of his games is 14 which means his average deaths per game was 1.2. Which show how good is his abilities to calculate  the timing of in & out from fights. It is just very hard to imagine how can a TANK with the highest average damage taken from a team can get the highest KDA across the league. 

However, I would like to say all the above data still cant show how Mountain is. The strongest strength of Moutain should be his sense and awareness of the game is just too strong, he know what should be done in an exactly timing which is why, AHQ can win so many teamfights in the early game.  ( If you want to know more about it, you can read and watch Mountain play by play)

Although there a lots of statistics shows how good Mountain was, i would point out some of his weaknesses which is very similar to Westdoor weaknesses. Mountain is also not good at placing wards and cs-ing. I would like to focus on his wards placing. His average wards placed per game was nearly -4 to his opponents, this can be explained by the champion choices and itemization. As AHQ loves to fight, their vision control becomes more important, however Mountain's average vision wards placed was 2, and only 4 out of his 12 games he placed 4 or more vision wards which is a bit low comparing to some Koreans junglers. Another thing that Mountain can improve his cs-ing. His cs@30 has a record of -14 , but this can be explained by the AHQ style and Mountain gave his camp to Westdoor and An. 

Play by play link (will be done in this week)

Ziv -- The Carry

Ziv是一名carry型上路, 他用的角色最住要不是人馬, 要不是樹人. 而在最近的兩星期中更拿出了刀妹跟雷茲, 表現一般. 所以到目前為止Ziv表現好的角色只有樹人跟人馬. Ziv之所以能夠經常用到這兩隻角色的最大原因是中下路已經吃了3 ban, 很多時候敵隊都沒有位置ban他的角色.

 從數據中, Ziv在LMS的KDA榜中排第3名, 緊次於他的隊友山哥及西門, GPM也是排名第4, 前3名是小安>西門>NL. Ziv的團戰參與率也是第2高, 有68%, 作為一名上路而言這是十分之高. 因上路通常就是獨自一人, 被孤立, 但他卻能有68%的參與率, 而我認為能達到這個數據最主要原因是他的TP運用超好. 另外Ziv跟西門及山哥不同, 他的cs能力十分強, 平均在10分鐘就能領先對手12隻, 20分鐘時能領先19隻, 到達30分鐘後更能領先31隻. 數量雖然不多但在AHQ裡就是罕見, 因AHQ的愛打交風格關係在中後期理應不多時間吃兵, 吃兵的機會只有在有TP能分推時才會吃得到, 說明了他很會充分利用時間.

 除此之外, Ziv的視野方面也做得很好, 每場平均能插20隻眼, 平均比對手多接近3隻眼, 插眼特別對於AHQ經常用分推戰術時更為重要, 越多的眼就是有越多的視野, 對方也更難抓到他. 因此他在打了12場的上路選手中死的次數最低(牛排跟楓之雪打了7場及6場但已經分別死了15次及20次). 這一點感覺西門能學一下.

而另我最最最嘆為觀止的是Ziv在AHQ各項數據佔團隊的比率十分平均. 吃兵數是全隊的25%, 金錢佔21%, 插眼數佔21%, 造成傷害佔24%, 承受傷害也佔25%, 基本上所有的數值都是位於21-25%, 這是我認為最理想的數據. (這點我想多解釋一下, 當有名選手的所有團隊數值都接近的話就說明了那個團隊的工作分配做得十分好. 特別是資源分配, LoL裡的資源分配十分重要, 簡單的理論上來說的話, 團隊給了一名選手多小資, 那他就應該要做出相應的功效. e.g.: OMG戰隊中他們會將大部份資源給Uzi, 而Uzi也運用隊伍給他的資源而carry整隊.)

以我手頭上的數據來看, 真的很難挑剔Ziv. 到目前為止他唯一的憂慮就是角色池, 雖然到目前為止都因AHQ的中下路都會吃全部ban因次而不必擔心沒main角用, 不過我認為在不遠的未來就會出現了全ban上路角的景況, 到時就要看一下, Ziv會否是另一個Dyrus.

Ziv is a carry top laner. He only either used Hecarim or Maokai, while he brought out Ryze and Irelia in recent weeks but both aren't impressive. The reason why Ziv can always pick these two champion us mainly due to the face that AHQ mid lane and bot lane almost take away all the bans from the team, thus Ziv can easily pick up his best champions.

From the statistics, it shows that Ziv has the 3rd highest KDA and the 4th highest GPM in LMS Summer. He also has the 2nd highest kill participation in his team with 68%. Which is really impressive because it is hard to get a high kill participation in the team as a top laner, it also tells that Ziv knows how to use tp. Besides that, Ziv is different with Westdoor and Mountain. He is good at both cs-ing and wards placing. His average cs@10 could already get a 12cs lead, a 19cs lead @20min and a 31cs lead @30min which is really "rare" in AHQ. The reason why I say this is "rare' is because as the style of AHQ is love to fight, thus their cs number should not be that high, which it should be true as the cs number of Westdoor and Mountain is low. Then, when will Ziv have time to cs? I would say it is mostly from the split pushing time. Therefore, i want to draw a conclusion that Ziv used his time really effectively.

Rather than that, Ziv average total wards placed was about 20 and is about 3 wards more than his opponents in average. Vision control is really important important due to the AHQ style. The more wards he placed, the less chance will be caught out. This also leads to why Ziv has the fewest deaths with 22 in LMS who played 12 games.(Steak and Maplesnow played only 7 and 6 games but already died 15 and 20 times repectively.) Westdoor should learn about this.

The most impressive thing when i look at these data was Ziv average % to the whole AHQ team was within 21% to 25% only. His cs% was 25%, Gold% was 21%, Wards% was 21%, Damage dual was 24% and Damage taken was 24%. ( For further explanations, I would say that when all the statistics % from a player is nearly all the same in a team,  the division of work in the team is very well prepared. Resources allocation in LOL is very important, In its simple terms, how much the team gave the player how many resources, thus he should do the same amount of "work done" as a result. E.g. LPL team OMG will give most of the resources to Uzi, thus Uzi will carry the whole team by how much resources he got.)       

As the data that I can get now, it is really hard to say the weakness of Ziv. The only problem he should consider now is his champion pool, I cant judge how will his performance in other champion rather than Hecarim and Maokai. But I think we may see a target ban on Ziv in near future, well if this really happened, we shall know will Ziv be the next Dyrus.

Play by play link (will be done in this week)

AHQ -- Are they really good?

到目前為止的12場比賽中, AHQ有4場能在30分鐘前GG對手. 而當比賽進入後期後更對AHQ有利,有好幾場AHQ在前期的優勢都不大但在中後期慢慢打回來, 而當中最令我印象深刻的是對上Machi時前期一直輸不過在後期一次團戰0換5並拿回優勢的一局. 他們在團戰的溝通跟工作分配十分好, 每個人也明白自己該做什麼, 不該做什麼. 

從數據上可以得出, AHQ的平均KDA是8左右, 而其他聯賽排名最高的隊伍平均KDA是如下: CLG (7) , OG (8), SKT (6). 而每隊的平均GPM如下: AHQ(1868), CLG(1763), FNC(1822), SKT(1748). 單從這兩項數據可以反映出AHQ的能力絕對能跟每區最強的隊伍比拼, 當然這些數據也因不同聯賽的強度而有所不同, 很難做出實制性的對比, 只供參考用途.

單看AHQ的數據, 身為愛打交的象徵隊伍, 他們的平均擊殺數為21, 比LMS的平均擊殺數15多出整整6個, LMS平均GPM為1616, AHQ的平均為1868, 每分鐘多出了250多錢. Cs方面因為團隊風格的問題因此而沒有明顯的優勢, 特別的地方是AHQ的平均吃兵數在20分鐘高過對手59隻, 但到了30分鐘時減小到59隻, 但在完場時卻能拉出126隻的差距, 因此我可以稍微判斷出ahq在20分鐘到30的時候會經常發生戰鬥因次無法擴大吃兵數. 而AHQ最大的弱點一定是視野方面, 但是每句平均插眼數量已經比對方低出7隻, 紅眼數量也低出整整3隻. 雖然感覺上只是微微的差距, 但我認為這就是AHQ現在要改進的地方. 

最後看一下%的分配. 整體的團戰參與率只有山哥一人能高過70%, 其餘人都在65%之上, 因我現在的數據資料有限, 我還沒能用來跟其他頂尖隊伍做對比, 但我可以大膽地說, 這不會是個好成績. 另一隊LMS隊伍AS中的Weiii, Bebe, Zonda的團戰參與率為77%, 76%, 75%, 相比之下AHQ這3個位置的人的團戰參與率是 65%,65%72%. 一個明顯的差距, 這有可能是基於戰術上的運用所導致, 特別AHQ是比較注重的小型團戰因此這些數據. Cs的分配也很好, 主要carry位置西門跟小安都各自佔有全隊的29%. 反而金錢上的分配結過有點出乎意料之外, 不計算support之外都介乎19%-23%, 這說明了他們的資源分配十分平均, 是個理想的做法, 讓每個人也有能力去carry.

而插眼的平均%最主要還是在小夜夜身上, 佔全隊的40%. 但是山哥卻只佔25%而Ziv也佔了22%, 小安只有5%還能容忍但是身為中路的西門卻也是5%. 從以上數據可以觀察在前期的眼位負責人是誰, 下路是靠小夜夜, 上路自己幫自己插, 中路西門的眼位全部依賴山哥, 同時讓西門能放心地發育, 這種打法有點點像SKT. 致於傷害方面的%沒有什麼特別之處就不提了.

AHQ ended 4 out of their 12 games in less than 30 mins. As long as the games go into late game, AHQ will grant more advantage as their teamfighting is disgusting  among the LMS region and is on an another level. One of the most memorable game is AHQ faces off Machi Game 2, which Machi has a huge early lead but lost a teamfight in a 0 for 5 exchange to AHQ and gain the advantage back. I would say their abilities and communications in teamfights was very good, each of them know what to do in a fight, what should do, what shouldn't do.

Here are the average KDA of each team which has the best record in their region: CLG (7), OG (8), SKT (6), AHQ (8). And the GPM of each team are as follows: CLG (1763), FNC (1822), SKT (1748), AHQ (1868). Just from a quick look from the above data, I think I can say that AHQ must contain the power to match with the best teams in the world. Although this kind of statistics can be affected due to the strength of the region is different, some maybe stronger and some maybe weaker. Thus, the above stats should only be a reference but should not put up on a real discussion,

AHQ symbols "fighting" in LMS region. Their average kills was 21 while the league average was only 15. The average GPM in LMS was 1616 while AHQ was 1868, in other words, AHQ earned 250 every minute more than the average team, which is ridiculously high. Due to their team style their cs-ing is not that impressive comparing to other world class teams. A fun fact was that AHQ cs@20 is higher than their opponent by 65 but the lead decreases to 59 when at 30 min mark. I can assume that during 20 mins to 30 mins AHQ will fight a lot thus they fail to increase the cs lead. The biggest problem that AHQ should fix must be their vision, as a team loves to fight should maintain a good vision control in order to keep every information known, so that can fight feel at ease. AHQ average wards placed had a -7 record to its opponents, and an average of 3 vision wards difference against their opponents, it seems like it is not a huge problems but I think that AHQ should work on this topic in order to complete with Korean teams which are heavily focus on warding.

Lastly, take a look into the % distribution. Only Mountain has a 70% or more kill participation in the team and the others were all between 65%-70%. I would say this should not be the statistics that the best team in the region should have, to make a comparison with AS (Bebe's team), Weiii Bebe Zonda each had a kill participation of 77% 76% 75% receptively, while the same position member in AHQ was only 65% 65% 72%. In fact, there was a huge difference. The only way I can explain this phenomena is AHQ loves small-scale fight instead of a 5 v 5 fight. Their cs% is also distributed heavily on their both carries, Westdoor and An, each of them got 29% of the team's farm.  However, their Gold % made me surprised, not counting their support Albis, their Gold distribution was equally the same between 19%-23%, this stat tells that they had a good resources distribution so that everyone on the team can carry and done their stuff.

One more important point to mention, the wards placement of the whole team is heavily focus on Albis with 40% wards in AHQ was placed by him. While Ziv and Mountain both wards % in the team was about 22% and 25% respectively. But Westdoor only had 6% of wards in the team which was same as An. From the above result, I can imagine that the early wards placements can be separated as follows. Albis responsible to the bottom half area of the map while Ziv place his wards by his own, and Mountain be responsible for the mid-lane area. Thus Westdoor and An just need to focus and investigate their gold on builds but not wards. There are not much to tell from the damage % so Im not going to mention here.

Play by play link (will be done in this week)

Conclusion: Why I do this

曾經某隊的韓國教練問過我, 為什麼要做分析而不是自己下場比賽. 我給他的答案是 我視分析如興趣. 說實在我當然也有想自己下場打比賽的時候, 不過很可惜我的能力比較低, 唯一強的就是大腦, 我知道對面會怎樣做但是我反應不到, 因此我從很早就放棄了打親自下場比賽的想法, 轉而做幕後的工作, 而我也很感興趣. 

至於為什麼我這麼久沒發文是有原因的. 近一個月自從我自己組成的隊伍挑戰LMS失敗後就開始嘗試找現在的LMS隊伍申請幕後的訓練生及分析師一職, 我開出的條件為0工資, 只求包住宿(因我是HK的, 到TW始終要住宿),而有好幾隊戰隊都拒絕了我的申請, 只剩下一隊在跟我談合作但因該戰隊目前戰績不好而想先處理好隊內的問題才跟我繼續談合作. 因此我想借發出這篇文章是跟大家說明一下LMS的幕後人員狀況. 

先看現在的8隊LMS戰隊(很多資料都是來自官方或是我得知的內幕), 據我了解, 除了HKE, TPA(Winds主要是招募人才) 以及業餘隊伍AS之外, 所有戰隊都有完備的教練跟分析師. 教練方面就不多說明了因為我現在的目標也不是這一樣. 我不太知道現在LMS職業戰隊裡的"分析師"通常會做什麼, 但我可以肯定所有LMS隊伍都是偏向請"過去的選手"擔當分析師一職, 而我也沒法得知他們做了什麼. 因此, 除了FW的分析師不是前職業選手及我上述沒有完善的幕後人員之外, 其他戰隊的分析師都是前職業選手. AHQ--Greentea ; MAC--Mistake ; LGS--Yo ; MSE-- NexABC. 我不是針對任何隊伍或人, 我只是想帶出作為一名想進入這圈子的人是有多麼難. 跟國外相比, 我只能說有明顯的偏向差距.

我好明顯還有進步空間, 這點我無可否認, 但我相信我的能力只會為一隊隊伍帶來好處, 加上我開出的條件相信已經十分好, 試想一下, 那一行會有免費義工幫你打工? 

I just want to talk about why i would write this passage. As my own team fail to qualify the Summer LMS, I decide to do a tryout with some of the LMS teams and my offer is i dont need any wage in exchange I need free place to live (due to the fact that Im from HK, and I need a place to live if I go to TW). But only 1 team are still on a tryout with me but their team performances are not that good so thus they decided to first fix their internal problems rather than finish my tryout. Therefore, I want to let everyone know about how's the "system" of organizations work in LMS region.

Firstly, looking at the 8 teams that we have in LMS. ( The following information are from the organizations webpage and some rumor that I know) Except HKE, TPA (Winds mainly focus on scouting) and amateur team AS, all other teams have a well-organized backstage. I am not going to talk about the position of coach because Im not aiming for this now. The another position I want to talk about is analyst, as far as I know, except the 3 teams that dont have well-organized backstage and FW analyst, all the other teams are using ex-pro players to do their analyst, AHQ-Greentea ; MAC-Mistake ; LGS-Yo ; MSE-NexABC. In fact that I dont know how good are them, what will they do, or whatever, it is a result that LMS teams tends to use ex-pro players instead of new players that aim at this categories for years. It is a huge difference if we compare LMS to the western scene.

Of course, I still had a lot to work on and learn from. But my opportunities and choices can be count by one hand. I am not sure what is my level on, but I am pretty sure that I can bring procs to the team. In addition, my offer is almost equals to free, just think for a while, In which places in the world will a organization refuse to work with volunteer which should could improve them?