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Monday, June 22, 2015

[LMS] Short analysis on TPA Level 1 strategy

In depth analysis on TPA Level 1 strategy

As the LMS step into the last week of the 1st round robin, TPA had already finished all their games with a 1-3-3 record. And I figure out their Level 1 tactics should be the best in LMS.

A quick look into all 14 games level 1 start by TPA

The yellow line represent their movement on the map while some of them are in red in colour which means there are some special action on them and I will mention later on in the passage.

vs FW G1

vs FW G2

vs MSE G1

vs MSE G2

vs LGS G1

vs LGS G2

vs AS G1

vs AS G2

vs HKE G1

vs HKE G2

vs MAC G1

vs MAC G2

vs AHQ G1

vs AHQ G2

As you can see from the above data, I divide their level 1 strategy into 3 groups. Standard ; Invade ; Lane Swap. I will analyse it separately one by one.

Standard Tactics   

Games : vs MSE G2,  vs LGS G1+G2, vs AS G1, vs HKE G1+G2

This should be the basics positioning when TPA used a standard level 1 tactics . They will place their trinket at the river. 

Pros on Using this:

- 5 of them spread into 5 position as shown on the above photo. Which means, they can know if their opponents tries to invade.

- Very standard positioning and warding. Can be use in solo queue.

Few key things should be mention:

- They will most likely place their ward in between 1:00 - 1:15

- Jay/Yue will not place a ward in the beginning.

- Chawy often not to place a ward and place it later when he get around level 2.

- Lupin will always place the ward at the corner outside the blue side tri-bush near to the dragon area.

How to dual with:

- As TPA will spread into 5 point. Which means they must run away if they see 5 of their opponents are grouping. In other words, they cant fight if their opponents engage on them, and any point of the map can be invade easily.

- There are two different kinds of direction to counter this tactics. Which are, Deep warding / Hard Engaging. Deep warding will be for teams that need to know about more information, such as lane swap, which camp do TPA jungler start etc. In my opinion, Deep warding  will be so easy to use. Due to the fact TPA cant stop a 5 man invade, therefore Their opponents can just walk into TPA jungle and put down wards.

- Hard engaging will be more difficult. Because in a standard positioning, TPA can get the full vision around the map. Therefore their opponents cant just walk into the jungle and engage. However, there are still two ways to do this hard engage method. 
  1. Go into the bot lane bush and engage on the support.
  2. Using some long range cc abilities (thresh hook) blindly on the tri-bush for an entry engage.


As this is the basic tactics which will be use in solo queue, I don't had much to analyse it. This tactics is very safe to use and do not require a high communication or training skills.

Invade tactics 

Games : vs FW G1 , vs MSE G1, vs AS G2

TPA's invade tactics are a bit special. Their invade are not the same as usual invade. In these 3 games that they choose to invade, TPA place a full deep ward vision only in 1 game. (* a full deep ward vision means the after placing the wards they should have the full vision of that side of jungle and around  the entrance area of their opponents base.) Which I think the effectiveness of invading will be highly reduced if the just place some jungle camp wards instead of place a full deep wards vision.

Blue line = vs FW G1
Red line = vs MSE G1 (*There should be 1 more ward inside the golem area)
Yellow line = vs AS G2 (Full deep wards)

Pros : 

- The main purpose of invading is to get more information on the opponents position, to ensure will they lane swap or use other different kinds of strategy etc.

When will TPA use it? Here are the comps and timing that TPA used in that 3 games:

vs FW G1:
- Comp: Gnar Sejuani ChoGath Urgot Nautilis
- Start to invade at 0:58
- Retreat at 1:11

vs MSE G1:
- Comp: Gnar Gragas Oriana Kalista Thresh
- Start to invade at 0:57
- Retreat at 1:11

vs AS G2:
- Comp: Maokai Reksai Viktor Lucian Alistar
- Start to invade at 0:57
- Retreat at 1:25

Common point:

- Champions with cc abilities is acquired
- Start to invade at around 0:57
- Retreat at around 1:11 - 1:25 depends on the routine

How to counter?

There are two ways to counter. The first one is ignore them, just put down the wards as soon as possible in order to get the vision and prevent being caught, while they invade into 1 side of the jungle, peoples in the different side of the jungle should quickly put some wards into TPA jungle's too. The second one needs some luck, group as 5 and try to engage on them when they step into jungle, before doing this, that team also need to consider the comp as there is no meaning of engaging if the level 1 comp can not win TPA level 1 comp.

Lane Swap 

Games : vs FW G2 ; vs MAC G1+G2 ; vs AHQ G1+G2 
As you can see there are some red in color circle around some position, if that position was circled, it means that player recall back base for doing a lane swap.
There are two different kinds of lane swap tactics. The first one is just directly invade the enemy top sided jungle and put deep wards into it. It was just a similar invade tactics but choose not to retreat only.
The second one is where TPA started to use in the last few matches, 4 of them stand the position and place the wards at the same place when using standard tactics, while support will stay around the second tier mid lane turret to help any lane if the opponents try to invade. After placing the wards around 0:58-1:00, AD will recall back to the base and go to top lane. 


- Can easily confuse the opponents team that they are not playing in regular lanes. 
- Can have the same amount of vision as standard tactics have.
- Can have all the pros of standard tactics should have. 

How to counter :

- Use invade tactics to place full deep wards vision on order to know will the opponents lane swap.


This is the end of my analysis. The reason behind doing this was I feel like TPA have more level 1 strategy than other teams in LMS, and TPA can adapt to their enemy strategy very well. I think i should do a quick breakdown on it because it is seldom use in the western scene.